One of the other reasons I oppose this tactic is it's profoundly destructive of human life without being in any way correlated with rightness of a cause. A world where people kill themselves both for Gaza and the Israeli hostages isn't helped in discernment by summing the supportive deaths on each side.

I think some of the romance of it comes out of the Civil Rights movement and the real moral weight of people enduring violence nonviolently for the sake of justice. And MLK realized that when police *didn't* respond to sit-ins with beatings, but with non-violent arrest or simply closing the lunch counter, he lost momentum. That's why he went to Birminham, where non-compliance was most likely to be met with brutal violence.

But I think it remains significant that his non-violence extended to himself—he never chose violence thought he chose to walk into the path of violent, vicious hatred. And nowadays, the police _are_ more careful—the highway blockages for Gaza would draw more sympathy if they were shot, but the police quietly arrest them, and instead of being underdogs, they just read as obstructionists.

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Sorry but,

“no impossible.” here seems little bit confusing. Maybe you meant “nigh-impossible”?

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Injustice? Where? In Gaza? Seems quite just to me that after years of enduring rockets and terror attacks Israel is rooting them out. There is far more starvation in Sudan about which nobody cares and actually no starvation in Gaza. Plus which according to polls there is huge support for Hamas among the civilians. I don't see injustice. I see quite the opposite.

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I see nothing at all admirable in the act. His comments on Reddit make clear that he welcomed a complete genocide of Israeli, young and old, for the most superficial of reasons. He was inflamed, if you forgive the pun, by the wildly overheated rhetoric on his online forums. And the act was not only one of despair but utterly futile. It drew no additional attention to the war (“genocide”) in Gaza, which has maxed out on coverage, but only to himself. It was an empty, hideous, absurd and ultimately narcissistic act.

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