She should pick Shapiro because she must have Pennsylvania. Having him as the VP nominee doesn't clinch the state, but it certainly can't hurt and can only improve her odds.

All other considerations, even the benefit of having a Sister Souljah moment, are secondary. If Shapiro were governor of Vermont we wouldn't be having this discussion; he'd be off the list.

So granting that, would there be a benefit of sticking it to the pro-Palestine Left? Yes, most definitely. It's amazing how they can take an issue of such moral rightness -- deploring the hideous destruction and death rained upon Gaza -- and make themselves totally insufferable and hurt the cause they purportedly stand for in the process. Burn some more American flags, you idiots.

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Did you see the leeks about what Shapiro wrote in college that have come out? Simply not worth it

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People overestimate the blowback from the free Palestine left. This election will likely come down to non-college educated whites in the Rust Belt, who mostly hold vaguely pro-Israeli views.

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You make good points. I sympathize with them. But stirring up the free Palestine frenzy which could result from this pick, may simply be too much of an electoral gamble in this high stakes moment. Shapiro would undoubtedly help Harris once in office for the reasons you mentioned, but first you have to get there. The whole thing is unfortunate and unfair — I hope she surprises me.

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